Salman Khan's most awaited film of 2017 Tiger Zinda hai is creating lot of buzz. Now the Fan made posters of the film are going viral on social media as 50 days are left for the release. Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif is back with action thriller film Tiger Zinda Hai, which is the sequele of Ek Tha Tiger. Featuring both the shining stars Tiger Zinda Hai is a challenging film for director Ali Abbas Zafar because after the poor response of Tubelight, Ali don't want to take risk. Thats why Tiger Zinda hai Team started films initial pramotion on social media with its posters and pictures. While sharing the poster Salman wrote on instagram "Tiger Is Back" . Poster shows both Salman and Katrina in a war zone.But how Ali Abbas Zafar will make this film a blockbuster on box office ? Find out more about this film here in this video.